happy birthday charlie
magical charlie. just when i think i can't love and adore you any more, i do. just when i am certain there is nothing you could ever do to top your knee-bounce-head-banging to a good tune, you take off into the tightest, fastest little circles and figure-eights your crawling body will allow in response to an especially good beat. just when i think you've outgrown it, i am woken up as you tug fistfuls of my hair as hard as you can and flash the happiest smile when you finally see my eyes. i don't think you will ever get cuter than when you stick your tongue out and smile or when you pull your arm back, way back, when you are just a little nervous. nor can i imagine your smiling, arm-waving, kiss-giving response to your sisters ever being sweeter.. but then, you've outdone yourself constantly for the last twelve months, so who am i to say..
oh, charlie. there really is something magical about your relaxed, playful ways. you get our jokes, but don't always think they're funny. you throw your whole body forward and bury your head during a good laugh and have the saddest sloping back and hanging head when you are sad. you love almost everyone you meet and happily tolerate the others. the swings leave you screaming with laughter. the big kids running ahead leave you kicking your legs as hard and as fast as they go. you can't wait to be running and jumping right alongside, and you will be, soon. your cautious standing will turn to reckless sprints, your sweet jibberish will turn to entertaining conversation and your little pointer finger will take a well-deserved rest. you will finally be able to go up to your sisters' loft bed all on your own and know how to get those blocks to make noises without pushing them across the entire apartment for help. you'll be able to hold your own cup without getting soaked and finally, finally you'll know what every button and switch and outlet you come across is really for.. but for now, let's just clap and play and laugh while my arms turn to jelly from throwing you in the air. let's just cozy you as you suck your thumb, put your other hand down my shirt and watch your sisters play princess. lets just keep doing the things we are doing, because man, it has been pretty great so far.. you've brought an entire year of magic to an already charmed home and we all love you an insane amount because of it. happy birthday, my little boy. let's brave the rain and go find some balloons.
Reader Comments (32)
I really can not believe Charlie is already one year old. He looks like a real charmer. : > )
This post is lovely. My son is turning one this weekend...
Estuve recorriendo todo tu blog y me encanto!!! tienes una flia hermosa...te felicito!
Really a beautiful post. What a lovely message for your son.
charlie is sooo adorable. i love your blog and your photos!
Oh I just love what you write. Not only are you so talented in what you create you have such an ability to share your life's little stories in such a treasured way. What fun your kids will have reading these someday. Ahhhhh the inspiration you are giving all of us!
I can't believe how you are describing my son. He is a beautiful but crazy one year old too. And i can't wait until he is no longer in danger of electrocuting himself!
Please come back. I would really love to see what's happening with this little fella now! It may let me know what i have in store for me!