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my brooklyn BFF, alysha, once told me i had an amazing memory. this was before the second child came and absorbed a large majority of what were my remaining brain cells (its very complicated and very scientific, i don't want to bore you with it). now my memory is just embarassing. i've always been slightly disnomic, but things have gotten so much worse. it's not only that i can't think of a word when i need it, i can't remember the answer to the question i just asked (and got an answer to) three minutes earlier. i can't even remember asking the question. why is this? are there some special exercises i can do? if possible, i'd like to avoid the shame that comes with acting senile at age 28.

in honor of my failing memory, i give you this, which i love, and which i can actually claim zero credit for finding. thank you, mim, for sending it my way.

also, in case i completely obliterate the memory of my birthday or mother's day 2007, here are the very fruitful fruits of the holidays:


if i were a songwriter i'd write a little diddy about saltwater sandals. i am the proud owner and wearer of four pair. nothing says warm weather and girly fun like a pair of saltwater sandals. i was filled with near-teary-eyed joy when i found they now make the yellow patent leather for adults.

three things to know about me:

1. i love shoes. always have (mom can back me up on this one).

2. i love yellow.

3. i love patent leather. couldn't be happier that the world is with me on this one for now.

very big thank you to papa and didi (mom and dad) for helping fund the purchase of these babies.


ebay. not as ideal as i'd hoped. but the full skirt is pretty cute. the girls shriek with delight when i twirl in it. of course, while they're shrieking i'm stopping, sitting down, holding my head and fighting off the nausea.


see #1 and #2 listed above.

very big thank you to gammy and gampy (bob and mary) for funding these purchases.


i love it. such an obnoxiously big ring but so cute. perfect with all the dresses i've got lined up for the summer. courtesy of chip.

mother's day goods:

1. delicious crepes (chip flipped one right in the pan without a spatula for the first time and now considers himself an expert. he has has been trying to instruct me on the proper technique ever since. never mind that i showed him how to do it and have been doing it myself for years. . .). eaten way too quickly to document.


2. flowers. tulips and lilacs. perfect.


3. a nap. with my favorite three-year-old.

4. a clean house that wasn't cleaned by me. mom, i finally understand why you always asked for that every birthday and mother's day. sorry i never gave it to you. i hope one of your better children did.

i'll save pictures of the apartment for another post.

thank you mom and dad, bob and mary, chip, and girls. i will never forget you.

p.s. i also send a heartfelt birthday thanks to alysha and mim for amping up my accessories arsenal. mim gave me great hair barretts and headband (way too lazy to try to do my hair for a picture). along with a delicious and child-free brunch, alysha gave me a great yellow ring that is in a "safe place" that i can't remember the location of. i'm serious.

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Reader Comments (7)

ok, so I really should stop commenting on every blog, but seriously I am loving it!! Question, do you think that size 10 salt waters would be ridiculous?? :)

May 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjeanie

awesome stuff you lucky girl

May 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterErin

yay, my first mention in the blog! i feel famous. of course, i too am in love with your saltwater collection. i'm hoping i would look good in a white pair. thoughts?

May 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermim

I admit, I thought your saltwater obsession was a bit excessive,until... I got my own pair. I haven't been able to take them off. Four days in a row? come on, how many things can hot pink really go with? Thank you for turning me on to these things. Here's to next year when they hopefully come out with bright blue, turquoise, and maybe metallic? nah.
Happy mother's day and b-day! I love ya girl!

May 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteralysha

jeanie- i'm wearing a 9 and i think they look great- your feet will look perfect in a saltwater sandal- 10 and all! we'll never look the same as a size 6 (we hate you, mim) but, that's just the way it goes. just be sure that when you order them that you are ordering a women's size 10, not an adult size 10. the first time i ordered them i got what turned out to be a size 11. they have 2 sizes- maybe for men too?? get them, you'll love them and they'll look great.

mim, that goes for you too. white will be perfect for the summer. and you can't beat the price on these babies! leather! last forever! made to wear in and out of the water!! i want to fill the world with them. . .

May 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkatie r

Okay well now I want some. I must admit partly because the name alone makes my mouth water for saltwater taffy, but still, if everyone else is doing it, I want to do it too, even if I wouldn't ever wear them. I mean, they aren't converse and they aren't cheap Gap flip flops, so it's unlikely that I would find something for me to wear them with but I want to be cool. I'm confused about the women's size versus adult sizes. Mainly cause I just think it's kind of funny to have "Adult" and "women" be different. But perhaps it is for men. And if that's the case I feel very strongly that Chip would look excellent in hot pink. Oh and another thing, big rings can never be obnoxious. Nope. I refuse to believe it.

May 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTara

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