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happy belated birthday sarah!


oh i love you sarah. i love thinking of you wearing roller skates in the house and trying to convince mom that it was ok because it helped you clean faster. i love remembering of the hours you spent reading "les miserables" and "of mice and men" to me for my high-school english classes. i love that you ditched school to cheer me on in my 8th grade talent show. i love remembering you smiling, running down the hallway and up the stairs with our furious, teeth-clenched mom hot on your tail. i am still amazed at your ability to get to me; bleating "oh, poor katie" like a goat for 15 minutes strait until i lost it, sitting down next to me on the couch and ever so slowly pushing me over and then completely off, obnoxiously killing me at risk or monopoly until i threw the board and screamed that i would never play with you again, only to do the very same thing the next sunday. i love the letters you would send to me at girl's camp- complete with drawings, "skate or die" and "i skate, therefore i am" scrawled on the back. i love that you can beat almost anyone at any game involving quick thinking, logic or strategy but have asked me more than once how to spell the word "of." i love remembering the day when i realized i could count on you to defend me against any outside attack. i love that you taught me how to write my name in cursive before i was in kindergarten and that with your help i got into the real choir without having to audition before ms. perpall. i am so entertained by your terrible memory but i love that almost all of my childhood memories are incomplete until i remember your reaction, your help, or your company.

yes, you once made me sit in the way way back of the toyota because you were mad at me. and sure, i once wrote a song for you with the title (and only real lyrics) of "you ruined my life the first time i laid eyes on you" but even then i knew the words were ridiculous. because, no matter what, you were always a constant to count on for kindness, help, friendship and protection when i really needed it. and you are still that constant; the person i can look to and call (everyday) for understanding, perspective or just to laugh with. i love you sarah. oh how i wish we lived closer so i could see you and laugh with you everyday, but even with 3000 miles between us i am so happy to know you are a part of my daily life, that you are my sister.

happy (substantially late) birthday.

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Reader Comments (7)

that made me cry...

March 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteralysha

That was the best birthday present to come home to, thank you! Wow I hate to admit it, but I swear I don't remember half of those memories (I came to your 8th grade talent show?) and I love you! I love your birthday wishes, they are my favorite, I've secretely been anticipating mine for months, and I'm not dissapointed, thank you for being so generous with your words, and forgiving me for all the abuse I inflicted on you. I still wince when I think of "the way, way back"...(I wore roller skates in the house?)

March 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Jones

I never did hear that song...
Good memories Kate, and classic pictures!

March 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjeanie

(i remember the roller skates!)

March 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjeanie

I just looked at the large version of me squirting you with the spray bottle, and to my delight it is an Amway bottle, I defy anyone to come up with a detail more perfect. It makes me a little giddy to remember our childhood. I love it that much.

March 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Jones

I love your birthday blogs. They bring back so many memories. And I can now laugh at the fact that my Sarah was the only person in my life able to push my buttons perfectly enough to evoke a violent response... she was dangerous when she was bored! :) I agree, she is a FABULOUS person and ally.

April 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMom

Wow! I have just discovered your blog and have been reading for ages! So many lovely photos, and wonderful ideas. Your blog for your sister is just so lovely - made me laugh and cry, it truly is a blessing to have a sister and it bought back so many memories of my childhood. It also gave me a sense of relief as I realised that someone else out there in the big world occasionally forgets how to spell "of"! My infamous incident was during (of all things) my year 12 English exam - I will never forget the panic when I could not remember how to spell such a silly simple little word! You have indeed inspired me to write a Birthday note to my sister recalling such fantastic moments in our history.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkate

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