with cardigans for now
sewing a bunch of maternity wear for myself is not appealing (i'm pretty sure i'll end up looking like a giant yellow egg in my current project) and despite the twenty+ sketches i've got floating around i'm also very sure sewing clothes in my regular size will send me into a deep depression. so, instead i'm using my recent wave of energy to make more clothes for the girls. and by making little summer numbers for them i'm hoping to usher in a little bit of warmth around here. until then, cardigans over and shirts under.
i found this fabric under a pile of old glass pitchers in salt lake city when chip and i were newly married and made a weekly habit of checking out local garage sales in his grandpa's pick-up truck, and i have been carrying it from place to place for the past seven years. i think it was originally created to be a tablecloth, but i'm not much of a tablecloth person.
eve's halter dress is a bit va-va-voom, which is really funny to me. and ruthie's is a little more classic-little-girl-dress made all the better by that big belly of hers. i know she'll grow out of it at some point, but we LOVE that belly. and the girls seem to like the dresses enough to wear for pictures, but immediately after they strip, put their princess "pretties" on and get back to the work of pretending. eve takes great pleasure in the fact that my foot never fits the glass slipper while hers always does. . .

Reader Comments (10)
so cute! i just stumbled across your blog and have been having fun looking through the archives and enjoying your creations. i look forward to reading more..
that is some seriously awesome fabric! I can't believe that you have stored it all these years but I guess it worked out because your girls look beautiful in their dresses.
I love that top picture of Eve...she looks like a teenager, so sexy.
The fabric is gorgeous, and I love how the shape of Eve's dress matches the shape of the fabric. Well done!
wonderful! do you usually (non pregnant) make a lot of clothes for yourself as well?
I was just looking at these AGAIN, and will probably do so many many more times, but noticed how big Ruthie is getting. She's a little girl now, oh I miss her.
pam- pre-pregnancy i actually sewed a lot for myself, especially around this time last year. nothing's easier than spring/summer dresses and shirts.
alysha- i know! i feel just the same with your recent pictures of luke.
i love how you write the story around finding the fabrics that you make with. such darling dresses!
My long lost lover!! your blog is so cute- and you are so crafty. Seems like you and Chip and the girls are well...lets be friends again...i heart you!!!
Those dresses are so beautiful! I love the fabric and the designs. It's fun to have a different cut for each dress.
really beautiful! i like both the fabric& the dress. Do you use patterns or design the clothes yourself?