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this baby is supposed to be arriving in just over six weeks. usually at this point there are two or three names we really really like and are happy to choose from. if this baby were a girl, that would be the case. but he's a boy and we're clueless and the lack of names is killing us. so, i need some help. please give me some boy names. as many as you can think of and like. help a pregnant lady in need.

Reader Comments (36)

oh he looks so cute and cuddly in your tummy! i like people's suggestions of jude. that's pretty awesome.

April 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermim

Wow this is fun. I'd offer a name but then I would be offended if you didn't chose mine. I say you name him everything suggested. That way when his name is called during roll call, it will take FOREVER and it will be funny... well funny maybe the one time, and maybe only funny for me, which I probably won't be there for, which will make it slightly less funny, but still, this is fun. I say Chip Jr. Even though just sentences ago I said I wasn't going to offer a name. I just like Chip Jr. But you can't call him CJ cause that's not as fun as Chip Jr. Although I guess since Alysha is willing to share Luke, as your best friend's sister, I should also be willing to share muffin. So while yes it's the name of my dog, I just want you to know, I'm willing to share it. Plus Alysha is actually the one who named him such a manly name, so in essence it's really Alysha who is sharing, kind of. Chip Jr Muffin Rich. I like it. Or Luke Chip Jr. Muffin Rich. Or you know all the names suggest.... Rich.

April 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertara

Ok - I can't resist. I really like the name Gideon - he's one of my best Book of Mormon heroes. And to really add to the perfection of the name is the nickname "Gid"... you know, as in "Gid Rich".... ha, ha, ha,... he could be another "e-money"! Sorry - but I really like the Gideon name. Hey, who doesn't want to have a fun name?! :)

April 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMom

i recently got a boy pug (years away from a kid here, so bear with me) and had the worst time coming up with a name, though i had a million girl names. i ended up with luke. he likes it.


so, other boy names i like: ezra and thomas, henry and jack, frank...

my brother's name is thad(eus) and i've always liked it, though, especially since you never come across it.

yeah, so in the history of all boys' names, that's about all i like. hope i don't end up with 10 boys!

April 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercaroline

gus. or Pihc (chip backwards). jk

seriously i love these names:
Xander (can be short for alexander), Ezekiel (Zeke), Esau (LOVE THIS ONE and would fit with your girl names), Elijah, Cade, Cole...

April 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterliz

so, I'm late commenting, but I couldn't resist. I was just thinking about boy names today as I read a book with Charlie about a boy named Luke. As we were reading it I honestly said to myself, "I REALLY like the name Luke, what a great name for a boy! I wonder if I could convince Michael to use it for our next . . ." So, when I read your post tonight, I just had to add my vote - GO LUKE! btw - ran into your (chip's) dad today at Costco, fun to see him!

April 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermegan rich

Richie. The kid will have everything. You just need a dog named Dollar.

April 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike Whiting

When we thought Jane was going to be a boy, we liked Eliot, Samuel or Quinn. Of course, my all time favorite boy name is Jacob.

April 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTania

I always liked Haakon and Otto, but my husband would never let me.

April 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermeg

My first comment here as I discover your blog (via Sugar City Journal)because I discussed baby boy names yesterday with an expecting friend of mine. Here is what I suggested to her : Milo, Mathias, Paul and Gabriel. 4O's and 50's names are all the rage here in France right night : Marcel, Aimé, Constant, Louis etc ... if in need of a name with french flair ;)
Your two little girls are very sweet.

May 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMaman de Loulou

Hi there, me again, love baby names,
what about Hudson, or Levi, or Bailey or Samuel..or Oliver..just to name a few..good luck

May 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJo

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