artistic temperaments
each saturday, if his work schedule cooperates, chip spends the mornings with just the girls. they go the park, or the playground or the botanic gardens, or sometimes they just hang out in the apartment. but no matter where they go, there are always markers, crayons and paper in tow, because no activity is truly complete without some drawing. it usually begins with chip doing the majority of the work (make a princess! a t-rex! mommy and a rhino on a trampoline!) but soon the girls take over as the artists.
i adore their art, but what i find most interesting and endearing is the consistency in approach the two girls take, regardless of age or artistic phase.
ruth keeps her work free and spontaneous. she never plans or thinks too much about what she draws, just does it. when she is finished she throws the crayons down (or across the room) shouts "i all done!" and walks away.
eve takes her time; drawing slowly and carefully. she tortures herself trying to get just the right color, make just the right line. finally, when she is ready, her art is taken to the door. other pictures are shuffled, magnets are chosen and the piece is gently placed. as she backs away she holds her marker at the ready, just in case.
i love how who they are is so evident in everything they do. . . and really, is there anything better than kid's art?
Reader Comments (8)
Both are so beautiful. Eve reminds me of Remington, he was always meticulous with his art work at that age. Try to keep encouraging her. If Rem would still put that much work in he would be amazing. But he had a few school teachers that set time limits and he doesn't try quite as hard anymore. I'm desperately trying to re-spark the interest.
wow, I know what you mean, I am always trying to get Chloe to care about what she is drawing, but she is so willy nilly. Color in the lines?- why? Draw something you can recognize?- only if she is in the mood. Splatter some paint in and cut it out into a crazy shape and she calls it good. But it is so precious, I want to keep it all.
kids' interest in art is so delicate. luckily your kids are in good hands and will be allowed a perfect amount of freedom!!
Hi! I have recently found your blog and i LOVE it! You are so talented and so inspiring... I can see where your kids get it from! No wonder their art is beautiful... you are there mom and inspire them too!
Keep up the fantastic work! Do you mind if I link to you on my sidebar?
I love all the pictures you take of your kids. What camera do you have? You are so creative...your life in New York is such a contrast to mine here...I love looking at your blog. I can't help but think back to high school, it seems so long ago, but so many good memories.
Thank you so much! I am really honored that you think my things are great because i think you are divine! Of course, you can link to me... I am flattered!
happy monday!
Hi Katie, I recentaly discovered your blog and I have been knowing a little bit or your art work. I love the dresses you make for your little ones. I just saw this post with your doughters arts and was wondering how old were they when they drew them.
Congratulations again.
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