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we cowered in the cold wind on the way home from school today. fall is here and winter is right around the corner. the coats will come out of storage this weekend and the shorts and sandals will be put back in their place. we will run outside for a bit and do some special preparations for upcoming programs and assignments. we will see where the wild things are. we will go to church and we will make soup (because soup makes the girls' hair golden.. a lie i told long ago to get them to eat up. a lie eve has never forgotten and a lie both she and ruth fully believe. i plan on a deathbed confession..). but mostly we will just be. at home, cozy on a blustery fall weekend. changing out our closets for the season, picking up toys, resting, snacking, looking and listening. 

+listening to this american life. honestly, does it get any better than this program? after years of listening, i just don't know how it could. the moth is pretty great too (if you live in new york, please go to a story slam at some point. really worth waiting in line for. some people have stories to share and share them very well. hey, wait! i went to link and found: chicago! detroit! you can go to story slams too! and LA, you've been able to for awhile!). 

+looking at this. have you seen this? after looking at the pictures watch the video linked under the article. beautiful and moving. people and the things they do are incredible. i want the royal de luxe to come to new york. i want to watch the big giant rise out of the east river and i want to, somehow, be one of those people grabbing the ropes to make that little giantess move. 

+listening to animal noises. anywhere we can find them. over and over and over and guessing who they belong to. the kids love it. charlie loves anything that sounds dangerous. and cows.  

+looking over and backing up our summer photos. this summer was lovely and i miss it. i normally don't say that about summer, but i'm saying it now. i miss the textures and colors and sounds of coastal oregon mornings, and i miss being the masters of our own schedules. but more i miss seeing little sandaled feet. even when, or maybe especially when, they're popping up during dinner. luckily, little feet in little boots kicking crunchy leaves on the way home from school are a pretty great replacement for now. 

here's to the weekend.


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Reader Comments (37)

Lies about soup are okay and not really lies.

After all, who's to say that the vitamins in the soup aren't responsible for the gold in the locks....

May be a good time to check Stone Soup out of the library - it's a lie that becomes soup.... :-)

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCitricSugar

We're just ordering our new saltwaters in our neck of the woods. Also excited to see where the wild things are.

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBelinda

My goodness, the giants are amazing. What an extravagant feat! I'll join you on the ropes in one of those red jackets!

How did those feet end up where a head usually is? What was under your table?! Must have been something fantastic. :)

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

I do love the fall weather, but sometimes I wish it took a little longer to get from boiling hot to freezing cold. Have a great weekend,

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

I love your blog! Just wanted to share, if you love TAL, you'll love Radio Lab podcasts. Kind of the same concept as TAL, I first heard about it at an Ira Glass event!

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBea

but but but i eat soup all the time and my hair stays dun brown. why?

the sandals picture brings to mind our current family dinners, minus the sandals as our heathen boys won't wear shoes. unless they are high top chucks....and i bet you know the work that goes into wrangling high top chucks onto little boys. whew.

happy fall. it sound just right so far.

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermamie

I really wanted to see Where the WIld Things Are... I adore that book... but I heard that it's not good for kids? My sis went and said it was dark and depressing... just a head's up! I think we might rent and watch it before we let our kids watch.

PS- I love the golden hair lie :)

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCourtney Price

i love salt water sandals. . . i got 2 pairs this year but they are not quite as sweet on big ol feet. and i love this american life too, and the moth. i tried radio lab but nothing compares to ira glass :)

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterabby jane

Lovely post. And I agree, nothing is better than TAM and Ira Glass. Yummy! :)

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkate

I'm in love with those giants. So much emotion is conveyed, it's unreal. I'm so glad you shared!

October 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

The Berlin Reunion is amazing and thanks so much for sharing. Oh how I wished I lived in Berlin. Absolutely enchanting.

October 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTerrilyn

here in Australia I am trying to pack away the winter clothes and look at what last summer still has to offer.
most of all I love the change of seasons and what it brings new to a household.

October 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertiel

My own lie about soup was to my computer-mad six year old, that home made soup makes your brain grow and Bill Gates eats homemade soup- that is how his brain grew big enough to invent MS windows. I don't know why or where it came from but the lie came and the soup gets eaten.

October 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie

the cafeteria aide at my elementary school told me that if i ate the crust of my sandwiches, my hair would get curlier.

October 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterheather

Wow, the Berlin Renuion photos are amazing! So cool! Thanks so much for sharing that link.

October 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

Excellent post, as always. Nice to have you back!

October 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterheather

Thanks for the great lie! I love it! It got my little girl to eat soup tonight, which is a big feat since she normally doesn't eat dinner. Thanks! You can read about it here (I linked back to your site too!) http://peanutbutterinmyhair.blogspot.com/2009/10/soup-time.html

October 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMamaB

i wish i had told this lie to my kids, now they are too big and smart to believe it..
The Giants are really amazing - thank you for this link, and oh how sad that summer is ending (here in Tel-Aviv it is still VERY hot in the past few days but days are getting shorter and darker). I will love to see what you concoct for your kids this winter though..

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRonit

Updates from The Big Picture are one of the highlights of my week. Perhaps in honor of the occasion, the Sundance Channel was showing The Lives of Others earlier this month. We watched it, DVR'd it, then had to watch it again, this time with friends. A terrific film if you haven't seen it.

Great to see you're all doing well. BTW, the other day I came across a picture of you, Chip, Jen, and I having desert in NYC. I will have to send it to you guys...our brush with greatness!

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermpb

thanks for the moth tip! i knew they were supposed to start here in chicago this fall, but hadn't checked in a while. i'm definitely going next week. if you love ira glass, i hope you were able to go to the live taping they did this summer. i went to the one here & it was amazing.

your blog is awesome, by the way. it's part of the reason i decided to take up sewing.

October 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdanielle

Great post. I love TAL and don't get to listen to it often enough. I know, I know, podcasts. But I'm a Luddite and time gets eaten up.

I love the dreamy quality of this post. Here's to fall!

October 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJuice

NOTHING gets better than This American Life!!!! I don't know if you listen to Radiolab as well...but if not, DEF. take a listen! :) xo

October 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterROXY MARJ

Katie, I really really love those giants. I got all emotional and I don't even know why (I don't think it was entirely the pregnancy hormones, but who knows!). Thanks for posting that link.

Oh, and I second Mike's recommendation of The Lives of Others. See it if you haven't already (or even if you have) - it's an amazing film.

October 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStacy R.

wait, wait, did you see wild things? we should have asked around before we took the kids, but for ruby's bday, no less, we took them and it was a real humdinger. although loaded with potential- it was a movie for, by, and about the clinically depressed. max wasn't charming, the monsters weren't charming and it was too heavy a dose of the reality of 'living with clinical depression' to be fun escape.

love the updates...

October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatria

Holy cow, those giant puppet photos are AMAZING. Thanks so much for the great links.
Also, I was always told by my parents that eating my crusts would allow me to whistle. It worked for awhile, and I'm not bitter about it at all now that I know better.

October 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfinger thumb

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