i almost called it off a hundred times. but i didn't. friday i hugged and kissed the kids goodbye, hopped on a plane and, 23 hours later, stepped into suvarnabhumi airport, bangkok, thailand. chip is here for a commercial shoot at the end of this week and i'm here because i needed a stamp in my passport. we've ridden on boats, subway, sky train, tuk tuks, motocycle taxis and elephants. we've eaten from the vendors and shopped the markets. we've inhaled the pollution and scents of unfamiliar spices. we've wandered a bit, gotten lost some and we have smiled a lot and been smiled at a lot.
tomorrow we head for the central plains, toward the end of the week i may take a solo day trip to an island just south and the weekend may take me up north. i love the flexibility of our days and the fact that we're still adjusting to the time, so that by 9am we've done a day's worth of adventuring.
i miss the kids. especially when i see entire families packed onto a scooter- toddlers squished between parents and bigger kids. but they are all in great hands.. and flying by myself was amazing. a good amount of sleeping and an embarassing amount of movies, none of which would have entertained the girls.
Reader Comments (37)
I have looked at this post probably 6 times, and I keep running through my head all the things I should have told you to check out. but alas the conversations were never had, and it sounds like you are doing a fabulous job exploring everything you come across, which really, is better than following someone else's list anyway! Enjoy, and buy everything you think you might want, even if you think you have already bought too much. Because it really is cheap, and you'll get back and wonder why you ever didn't buy just another pair of shoes when they were only $5. have an amazing time!
Wait! the clothes! the shopping! go crazy! i know i would....
Katie! Have so much fun and BE SAFE WOMAN!!! BE SAFE!!! xoxo
Oh, your post made me feel better about the plane tickets I just bought for my husband and I for April 2010 for Vegas (sister's wedding) and NYC sans children! Good to see others are traveling without kiddies (even if feeling a wee bit lost/sad/guilty) and having a great time! Must be so hard though, I'm going to miss them so much.
It sounds like you're having a wonderful time in Thailand. I'm sure your children will love you still when you get home :) and you'll have lots of stories for them I'm sure!
Fun. I am going to Bangkok this week as well... but I am going there to have a baby, so our experiences will probably be a bit different. I think I'll skip the elephant rides this time around!
This sound amazing! I can't wait to see more pictures, though embarassingly enough, the part that sounds most luxuriant so far is the uninterrupted multiple movie viewing.
well now i will be checking back here often hoping for any reports from or about thailand!
My whole family ( 2 kids and hubby) plan on going next year and we are counting down the months til our grand adventure to thailand!
our philosophy is : to travel is to live and to live is to travel!
safe travels to you!
What a great opportunity. I'm sure you missed the kids but they always appreciate you more when you come home and you're "refreshed" from the break. Well maybe not refreshed but ready to be a mom again.
Awesome. What a fantastic opportunity. I bet you and Chip needed the break. It is hard to part with the dear little ones. I also bet the pictures are fabulous.
Hello. Excuse me just a question. I heard talking about Thailand here. I'm about going on holiday to Asia. I would like some info on Pattaya in Thailand. I would know if It's a good place to go with family or should I choose another place? Thank You so much.
the information is very interesting and can add insight
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