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tea time

i woke up from the haze of adjusting back to new york time to find myself in the wednesday before thanksgiving. feasts, decorations, turkey dances at school, frenzied but fun food preparation at home filled the day. then thursday came. more preparation, a subway ride to the west side to catch the last 20 minutes of the parade (perfect- when we first arrived there was a marching band completely obscured by the 1/2-block-deep crowd ahead of us, no giant balloons in sight.. but there were plenty of street vendors selling very average sized balloons all around us. ruthie, on my shoulders; "ooooh! there sure are a lot of balloons! look at that princess balloon! oh i love these balloon parades, mom, i love it!" then the pilsbury doughboy poked his head around the dakota and blew her mind. then, just minutes later, to a wildly cheering crowd santa-- the REAL santa-- showed himself. eve; "the REAL santa came to visit us just to make us thankful?! he came early? so totally awesome."), return home, grab the food, grab the kids and, cleverly avoiding most traffic, arrive in the suburbs to spend a dreamy day in a house full of friends and insanely delicious food. i love thanksgiving.

the few next days brought sleepovers with family, our third round of fairly severe colds for the season, december, and me sitting and sniffling and behind on everything. but through the haze of jetlag and head cold i am so very happy to be home and so very happy to give my thailand report as soon as i can gather myself and my photos. 

until that magical day, i'll share some photos that the talented photographer, kelsey foster, took of the girls back in october. the moment kelsey contacted me about possibly setting up a shoot with the girls in some of the clothes i've designed for them, i was giddy. her photos are lovely and she is just the right amount of sweet and easy going. watching her patience with the girls - who were ridiculous that morning - was entertaining and endearing. also, the fact that i'm pretty sure she saved charlie from getting trampled by waiters at least three times makes me especially fond of her. 

kelsey chose the roebling tea room for the shoot. a great choice. the food was fresh (which made charlie happy), the light was beautiful (which made the girls happy- sunshine!) and the place was virtually empty until the moment we began to make our way out (which made me happy. especially in the moment when charlie was yelling and writhing in my arms, ruth was writhing on the floor because i took a drink of her juice and eve was running along the bench at full speed). 

kelsey, thank you again! meeting you was wonderful and the pictures are beautiful and so fun. 


all images property of kelsey foster. all clothing designs property of katie did.

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Reader Comments (156)

wow! beautiful...

December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPamela

they are sooooooooooo pretty! and of course, i love the clothes you made them. and the roebling teahouse was right on the other side of the commune i lived in. love it! great location! kelsey got some great shots!

December 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercara

I love the clothes you make for your girls and love their cute shoes! I am just dying to make girl clothing, but have two boys, zero girls...so far.

December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElisa

What great shots of your gorgeous girls! And I love Eve's reaction to Santa. My sisters and I grew up knowing that the Macy's Parade Santa was the REAL Santa; anyone else we saw that season was just pretending. To this day I lose a half breath when I see him on Thanksgiving. :) Hope you and your family have a great Christmas this year and the rest to come! Thanks for sharing.

December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlix

oh how heaven are your girls?!?! beautiful models, clothes, locale - just beautiful pics! would they be for the packaging of your hopefully-soon-to-come-pattern line by chance?!?!?

we're at the "terrified of santa" stage - my son will only allow the reindeer to come. but they have the land on the grass and phone us to come and get the presents and put them under the tree "because animals aren't allowed inside." bless him.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbelinda

Lalovely! I adore the setting, so 'Eloise' :)

The photos are perfectly charming, I'd love to have some like these of
my Lola Moon.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaggie May

better than anthropologie kids photos and models! LOVE these! you're going to be a famous ny fashion designer soon, i can feel it!! xoxo

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatria

lovely girls, clothes, and photos.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErin

Love the balloon story! And the photos. Happy belated Thanksgiving!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Jane

I have two boys and yet I still obsessively follow your blog to see your beautiful clothing designs for your adorable girls! You are very talented and have a fantastic eye. Thanks for letting us follow along!!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDevon

So glad to have you back in this space! These photos are unbelievable. I LOVE the close-up side-shot of Eve (?? sometimes I can’t tell them apart) in the gorgeous gray dress. Fantastic. This is inspiring me to develop some original designs of my own. By the way, I would love to test any of your patterns when you get ready to publish them. And I am still interested in a swap--but why does it seem time is never on our side??

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterheather

Your girls are so sweet and the clothes you make for them are adorable!

I (as many others) wish that you would sell your designs so we could participate a bit from your talent... A book like "Careless clothes for girls" and I mean the setup... and your daughters are of course the models.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNina

oh, those pictures are incredible! merry christmas!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlynne

These are positively the most delightful photos I've seen in quite awhile! Your girls are gorgeous, and the outfits are to die for!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRachel Dangerfield

in awe of these clothes...amazing. and the pictures are beautiful! (as are your precious children!)

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkristen

You really are so very talented - you make beautiful children and gorgeous clothes!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commentervictoria

wonderful pictures, expressions, and clothes.

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDamaris

ahhh! As always your girls are just darling/beautiful! I NEVER get tired of seeing your pictures of them Katie and watching them. :) I am living vicariously through you I hope you know! :)) xo

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterROXY MARJ

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh...these photos couldn't be ANY better! You must be thrilled...not only at the quality of the pics, but at how good your clothes look on film and how beauty*full your girls are! Really, these are spectacular...thank you for sharing!

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJillian

great. there goes my heart. all melted in a big pile of melty heart.

amazing photos.

and glad to see you're back! i was just thinking i needed a dose of inspiration a la katie rich.

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercaroline

So adorable. You are so talented.

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterriotyarn

So nice to have you back and blogging. Beautiful photos of your beautiful girls (why no Charlie in the shots?!)

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterViv

Wow! I am dazzled by these photos. They just show off your beautiful girls and clothes perfectly. Have enjoyed visiting your blog for a while now (sorry never commented before!) - these images are definitely my favourites.

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteralicia

oh katie... they will love these forever and ever.

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhannah

Such cute pictures and such great clothes! Glad you made it back safely. Can't wait to read about your trip! Merry Christmas!

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

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