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summer is here


friday was eve's last day of her very first year of school in the new york city public school system. 

she learned to open up her own milk carton, zip up her coat, sound out words, sing in spanish, make purple, write bubble letters, unbuckle and slowly buckle her sandals, count over 100, finally accept not being the fastest, dance the salsa and merengue, cough into her elbow, wait in line, draw the perfect orca whale, tell nonsensical (but apparently hysterical) jokes, roll her r's, do tricks on the playground bars, get over the frustration of not being able to whistle yet, walk quietly in the hall, imitate the principal's daily intercom announcement, and fall in love with school and the two amazing teachers who, i think, she will love forever. it has been a great year. 

and now that summer is really here i'm taking the littles camping. we've got meadows to run in, lakes to swim in, tree frogs to catch, and stars to see. and i've got to convince eve that having to stay out of school for two months is not such a bad deal. after all, at some point she is going to be surrounded by classmates that burst through the school doors screaming and running, nearly trampling a mother going to pick up her daughter from pre-k for the last time, and i certainly can't have her walking slowly behind, crying because she wants "to go to school forever". it is time eve learns the glory of summertime freedom, the glory of swimming everyday and eating popsicles at 10am and flying on airplanes and escaping the usual. today we start.

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Reader Comments (28)

I am a new visitor to your site and I just had a baby 7weeks ago. I have been finding it so difficult to find time for my art, but seeing how you make your life full of art in the day to day living is totally inspiring. I love your ideas and your kids are adorable.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCecelia

p.s. I can't wait to buy your patterns!

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCecelia

May you be successful in teaching Eve all the joys of summer! Such a delightful time in a child's (and adults too, for that matter!) life. I love the doorknob in your photo - and the depth of field. Great photo!

new york city walking tours

September 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlaura

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