summer is here
friday was eve's last day of her very first year of school in the new york city public school system.
she learned to open up her own milk carton, zip up her coat, sound out words, sing in spanish, make purple, write bubble letters, unbuckle and slowly buckle her sandals, count over 100, finally accept not being the fastest, dance the salsa and merengue, cough into her elbow, wait in line, draw the perfect orca whale, tell nonsensical (but apparently hysterical) jokes, roll her r's, do tricks on the playground bars, get over the frustration of not being able to whistle yet, walk quietly in the hall, imitate the principal's daily intercom announcement, and fall in love with school and the two amazing teachers who, i think, she will love forever. it has been a great year.
and now that summer is really here i'm taking the littles camping. we've got meadows to run in, lakes to swim in, tree frogs to catch, and stars to see. and i've got to convince eve that having to stay out of school for two months is not such a bad deal. after all, at some point she is going to be surrounded by classmates that burst through the school doors screaming and running, nearly trampling a mother going to pick up her daughter from pre-k for the last time, and i certainly can't have her walking slowly behind, crying because she wants "to go to school forever". it is time eve learns the glory of summertime freedom, the glory of swimming everyday and eating popsicles at 10am and flying on airplanes and escaping the usual. today we start.
Reader Comments (28)
May you be successful in teaching Eve all the joys of summer! Such a delightful time in a child's (and adults too, for that matter!) life. I love the doorknob in your photo - and the depth of field. Great photo!
Thanks for sharing her successes with *public school*. We so rarely get a positive shout out. Very glad that you and Eve were satisfied customers! Have a wonderful summer!
This is a beautiful blog entry. It captures something very special. Thank you so much.
that just might be the coolest photo ever!
awesome entry...awesome picture!
are you headed out west?!?
Oh, so lucky! We've got another 3 weeks before the break.
Oh, I love this! And my little one learned so many of the same things. What a joy!
Your blog makes me smile! I am so happy to have found it!
How beautifully put! Brings back memories of my own childhood summers and how I can't wait to share that with my children. :)
I hope she learns as much over the summer as she did at school!
Oh, how I relate to this post : )
Beautifully written.
seriously kate, it sounds like eve learned as much in her pre-k that chloe did in kindergarten, what a smart girl, hopefully her love of school lasts...
i really love the picture, what a great knob!
hooray for summer!
That picture! Priceless!!! Enjoy camping with the littles :)
Amazing post. The picture, the words.... everything. thank you for sharing. I wish you all MUCH joy and exploration as possible this Summer!!!
absolutely adorable. your camping trip sounds like the perfect summer vacation!!
I looooove the door knob. My classroom (built in 1955) has the same ones- everyday when i walk in, i feel like i have an iota of style around me... Enjoy the next 9.5 weeks!!
What a beautiful post. I recently found your blog and can't stop thinking about it! What a gorgeous family you have - and your creativity is entirely inspiring. I feel very humbled. Kate x
Congratulations...what a sweet milestone (for both of you)! I love how such simple things are so important at that age. Like making purple and catching tree frogs. I hope your summer is wonderful together:)
it sounds like she had a really great school year! and i'm fascinated with the NY school system..... they start younger, and the school year is longer? have you liked that? it sounds more competitive with the rest of the world - and i mean that in a good way. have a really fun summer, nyc riches!
OH- SO FUN! And I'm scared about Kindergarten! I'm going to miss my little guy SO much :) Only 3 weeks left of complete freedom!
Well said. Katie, I love your photos, but I think even more, I love your writing! Enjoy the summer!
I don't have kids. And I can't sew. But I found your blog completely captivating! Love it.
what a fun photo. sounds like an excellent end to the school year and a fabulous introduction to summer!
Hi! You don't know me but a friend of mine told me I HAD to see your blog for inspiration for my daughters clothes! I live up in Washington Heights in the city and as I looked through your blog I realized I know your sister-in-law, Mirium. Anyway, love your blog, just wanted you to know.... also if you see some little girl walking around town in look-a-likes of your clothes, it might be us:) I'll be checking in! Thanks for making me proud to be a NYC mormon mom