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baby quilt binge

an unfinished project that has been haunting me for nearly a year and a baby shower prompted last week's binge.


finally finished this quilt made of squares i took from my mom. except for the white and red polka dot, these are all fabrics from my childhood. i had it nearly completed 10 months ago but hated the way i quilted and bound it, so it got stuck in a corner. last week i picked out all the quilting, pulled off the binding and did it for the second and final time. we're all feeling much better about it now.


started making this quilt for a friend's baby girl. tying the quilt using a little hoop took an annoying amount of time i wasn't planning on. by the time i finished tying i was sick of it, so it was put to the side and finished a few days later. in case you can't see through the folded up quilt to know what the whole thing looks like; the front is a solid piece of the little girls fabric while the back is what you see (white, yellow, striped) plus another big piece of the yellow. the polka dot binding was the reject from the first quilt. i love not wasting.


after i lost interest in the girl quilt i moved on to this one. a one-night project is so satisfying (even if it is my old standby) and especially fast when it is in little little baby proportions. a picture of the tiny blanket (30x34") unfolded made it look like a placemat. but babies are small and the very pregnant mom was happy. the opposite side is nice unbleached muslin

and although our home doesn't really need another blanket of any size floating around, i'm looking forward to the next one. hopefully for upcoming boy, who is still very very nameless.

Reader Comments (9)

ah, these blankets just make me drool. i want, i want, i want. rusty keeps saying i need to pick up a hobby so i'll stop lying on the couch all evening. hey, isn't that my right as a 12-week, tired, pregnant, over-worked wife??? that's what i thought. anyway, maybe you can teach me how to make the simple one? or, if you just want to sew and sew and run out of space, feel free to stock up for my baby shower gift :) you're so very talented, katie!

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSara

Sara? You're pregnant!?

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbrooke

they all turned out so great!
I seriously need to get started on mine...yes the same one I have been talking about for over a year now.

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteralysha

i'm beginning to think that perhaps YOU should have my machine quilter as you are obviously more prone to finish the quilts vs. just starting a whole bunch. beautiful work.

February 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpam

All three of those are darling! If you ever want to start up a biz, I have some connections, lady. That last brown one in your standby style is seriously too cute for words! You're so talented! (Arg--I've spent my whole evening tring to make cute valentine cards and all I have to show for it is a pile of trash for the recycle bin and glue stick on the ottoman. sweet.) I need some lessons in creativity from you!

How nice to have sweet daughters who finish my unfinished projects! Great job.

February 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMom

hey, these are great. i'm signed up to take a machine piecing/quilting class at purl starting the 28th. can't wait!

February 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterabby

oh Katie I am dying for the first one, don't get me wrong, they are all so fabulous, but the nostalgia of the first one; it is our childhood in a quilt!

February 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjeanie

oh *sigh*, those quilts are so beautiful. seriously. i love how you used fabric from your childhood for the top one. the reason i'm sighing is that i've always wanted to make a quilt, but i haven't yet. even a baby quilt intimidates me for some reason. trying to choose between my fabrics, putting them together in a cohesive design? it sort of gives me anxiety. and just the fact that i've never done it before makes me nervous. i don't even know where to start. have any quilting tips?

February 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjenny

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