party girls
two parties this past weekend and one coming up for none other than my little eve who is going to be FOUR. amazing and fun and a little bit sad all rolled into one.
past weekend review:
the girls' little cousin had a pizza party that was full of so much fun kid energy it was almost overwhelming. eve really wanted to give the birthday boy a chicken. no explanation. a rubber chicken is fairly entertaining on its own (why?) but when you squeeze this beauty an egg-like sak pops out of it. hysterical. especially if you are in the two to six years-old range. fighting over this chicken led to ruthie falling down an entire flight of metal stairs, slamming into a cement wall and face-skidding onto a cement floor. turning the corner (as i was chasing and trying to get her to stop running) to see her falling backward down the stairs and then witness the awful awful tumble was the most horrifying moment of motherhood to date. her first words, through the screaming/crying were; "i want the chicken." she cried for about 30 seconds, relaxed in my lap for about five minutes and then was back to partying. i didn't recover so quickly.
saturday brought with it a baby shower and the last minute making of this little shirt to go with a sweet little pair of eliza gran pants. i should really give myself more time to make gifts. those french seams take more time than they should. the fabric has been one of my untouched favorites for nearly two years. in the continued effort to avoid the fate of being an crippled old woman with hundreds of yards of fabric that have been untouched for fifty years, i went for it and am happy i did. there is always more fabric to buy and love.
and now we've got eve's party in the works. fairy princess party. invitations out (thank you chip), six little fairy skirts are almost complete, tissue pom poms done, treasure hunt forming in my head and fairy crown and wand supplies gathered. naturally a full, too-detailed report will be brought to you once all the fun is had. for now i'm going to try to enjoy the last few moments i have with three-year-old eve. and then as i fall asleep i'll let myself wallow in the happy misery of a mother who's little baby is growing far too big far too quickly.

Reader Comments (12)
remember when ruthie did that at our house, almost exactly one year ago? i eagerly await the birthday party report....or do I? will that just make feel inadequate because i know it will be super cool? hmm.....
I think watching your child fall like that would be like a slow motion nightmare, but I am glad that you chasing her didn't result in you taking the tumble as well, because that is probably what would have happened if I had been the one chasing her... Just call me Grace!
Happy Birthday Eve!!
Victoria fell down an entire flight of stairs when we lived in New York. I remember watching her do a heels over head summersault over about six stairs and thinking 'I'm watching my daughter break her neck!' SCARY Those are definitely the worst mommy moments. I'm so glad she's okay. The party sounds like soooo much fun. I can't wait for the details. And the Chicken sounds hilarious!!
Ruthie's face looks better and worse than I thought. Better because it is red and not all scabbed up, and worse cause, wow, she got a lot of coverage!
I for one can't wait to hear about the party, every detail and lots of pics! The tutus look soooo fabulous! Are you still thinking about doing suckers?
jean- that picture is from the night of the fall, the scabbing came the next day. . . and yes, if by some miracle i can get everything together i'm going to make the suckers tomorrow morning. . we'll see. . .
pam- i totally forgot about that tumble down your stairs! poor ruthie. she's going to have so many scars by the time she's grown. . .
Oh dear that fall reads terrible. So terrible I just wrote "oh dear." I feel like I got that 'mom' gut feeling just reading it. Thankfully she was okay and that she remembered she still wanted the chicken. Had she forgotten that she wanted the chicken.... scary.
Fun party in the works for Eve. Although I wonder if Luke was still in NY, meaning of course that his parents were still in NY, because Luke while incredibly intelligent for his age (I mean he knows like 20 signs), can not fend for himself in that city, would he be invited to this fun party? I mean E is his favorite friend. Perhaps the only friend he knows by name. (It doesn't matter that E also refers to anyone in your family). So I wonder if he would be invited to this party, and you know because his parents would still be in NY, thus that meant Alysha one of your closest friends would still be there, oh stop it, wipe away those tears, oh sorry I thought those were tears, you'd want her to be there, to help, right? And where Alysha goes, these days it seems Luke follows, so I wonder, would Luke be invited? And if so, would he get to wear a little fairy skirt with pom poms? Cause that would be so awesome if he did. Of course the answer to this question is entirely moo (yes I purposely left off the t) since he isn't there, and thus it doesn't matter how you answer, or if you answer, I was just wondering and picturing, in my head. And for a second, I giggled.
Good luck with all the party stuff. I hope you don't tire out too early.
I cant wait to hear, not read all about the party. and I am still sad for Ruthie, hopefully twirling around in tutus is taking her mind off the incident, and yours!
oh ruthie! poor thing.
reading your description made my breath stop and my stomach twist. I hate those moments. so scary. I am glad she is okay.
the fairy skirts are awesome! I can't wait to get all the details of the party. Sutton will need a party like that in a few years. Maybe I will just copy you!
Happy Birthday EVE!
When my son fell off a bench and ended up with 5 stitches in the middle of his forehead, half way to the emergency room he was asking for his Acaraje (a shrimp/bean fried thing we eat on the street here). It's satisfying to see how well their brains work after these things - as if their heads have extra padding at this age just to prepare for these incidents.
hi! heard you guys had a fun dinner with melissa and family... i'm jealous. sounds like a great time!! and so sorry about the metal stair incident. oh, the rubber chicken...
Just wait until your little girl is turning 14! Ali's at her first stake dance tonight. I agree - they grow up far too quickly.
oh gosh, super sad fall. so happy she's ok. i remember ruby's first bad facial scabbing was a day before halloween and when we put her bunny suit on her, she looked like bunny road kill. worked out well for halloween...although it made my stomach churn to see her. seriously cute birthday party coming up- can't wait to see pics!