mish-mash of lately
happy may day!
it is official, spring is here and summer is right around the corner. i know because last week i got the very beginnings of what is, three years running, my summer trademark: massive saltwater sandal tan. feels good. i also have the beginnings of a nice farmer's tan which doesn't feel so good but until i start remembering my sunblock is also kind of inevitable. does anyone else have arms that tan at a rate five times faster than the rest of their body?. . . but, i can't complain when i am able to spend hours of my day sitting on a playground bench surrounded by great friends watching the kids run and play. new york in spring is amazing. if you've never been, come at this time. everyone and everything is emerging from their winter gloom and reveling in the glory of renewal.
and, i'm 29. (i know. only 29 and almost three kids- yikes.) tuesday was my birthday and with great friends all around, a brother and sister-in-law in town (who woke up to make me crepes in the morning!), and time alone with chip, it was a really great day. chip and i went to freemans on the lower east side and other than the somewhat irrational fear that one of the taxidermied animals was going to fall on me and cause serious bodily harm (i was most concerned about my eyes), the place was really great. watching the parade of hipsters walk down the alley to the restaurant was entertaining and, once, inspiring. i love the lower east side. after dinner chip and i made our way uptown in a cab, a rare treat for us- we're cheap like that, to see macbeth. such an intense and gruesome production. not going to help my creepy dreams at all. the art direction was beautifully modern and the acting was stunning. . . i always wonder whether my opinions are completely skewed because i'm just so happy to be kid-free for a night. i might consider anything a work of genius because i don't have two little girls shouting "i'm never playing with you again!" or "more didi boots! i want food! no, mean mommy!" at me every thirty seconds. but this time i'm certain it was the production and not the euphoria of being away that won me over.
here's yesterday photo of baby boy, who, it turns out, is not breech at all! good baby. i'm hopeful this is the last time we need an ultrasound with this baby. i'm tired of hospitals.
our may day will be filled with joy school for eve, some grocery shopping (or maybe napping instead?) and folding of the laundry neglected yesterday while at the hospital and then preparing for last night's book club i hosted. we read crossing to safety by wallace stegner. one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors. i love his depiction of relationships in all their quiet tragedy and glory. it was so great to be in my home, kids in bed and surrounded by good people and good discussion.
++ update: my hero brother-in-law and sister-in-law who live in manhattan just swooped in and took my children for the afternoon/evening. looks like i'll be getting that nap afterall, once i waste more of my time watching the most recent episode of the hills. i already stayed up until 2am last night catching up on the bachelor. gross reality tv confessions. . .

Reader Comments (16)
first I see the pictures of the girls which are both beyond beautiful, I can't believe how much they have grown in the few short months I have been away. Then I focus in on the flowers, they are breathtaking, and I can't help but feel so sad that I'm not there too to enjoy the playground, gardens & park. Then I read about your birthday & scroll down to the picture of you, and the tears started rolling....I miss you so much.
Good BABY. Breech is not good, I'm very glad he wised up!
The picture of Eve in front of the tree is BEAUTIFUL. We are having such a cold spring so far that hardly anything has bloomed yet, so I am very jealous that you had the opportunity for a shot like that.
My arms definitely tan faster than any where, I can lay out and come in a little darker on my arms and NOTHING anywhere else. It's just wrong!
You look great. what's your exact due date again? I'm slowly losing my mind and can't remember such things.
Good luck. I love ya!
happy birthday! and although the big attraction in visiting NY was you guys, these spring shots are a nice advertisement.
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You look beautiful and so do the girls and spring in nyc. baby boy is looking very cute- you know he's going to be adorable. your birthday out on the town sounded lovely-
Happy Birthday Katie! It sounds like a super exciting day. Especially the evening out sans kids!
happy 29th Katie! you look so lovely. like you, 29 and almost three kids. it is a little strange. what I have wanted but still strange. we are grown up now! I am glad that you had a great birthday out and a nice break from the kids. you deserve it!
happy 29th Katie! you look so lovely. like you, 29 and almost three kids. it is a little strange. what I have wanted but still strange. we are grown up now! I am glad that you had a great birthday out and a nice break from the kids. you deserve it!
Happy birthday! So glad you were able to enjoy a great day!
Crossing to Safety was a terrific book (although I got sidetracked halfway through reading it and still have not finished it). If I am not mistaken, I think that book was largely biographical, kind of like Angle of Repose. Wallace Stegner is one of my favorites. If you like him, Philip Fradkin published an excellent biography earlier this year called "Wallace Stegner and the American West". Among other things, it discusses his time growing up in Salt Lake and interactions with LDS folk, which I thought was pretty interesting; the larger theme focuses on the American West and Stegner as a conservationist...sorry, can't help myself--these are some of my favorite topics.
Twenty nine, ah the good 'ol days... hee hee. I feel like I am on the other end of the spectrum: my goal when I was young and had no idea that life doesn't go exactly as planned, was that I would have all four of my planned kids by age 30. Hmmmm, here I am 34,(ok almost 35) and having the fourth baby. (AND Scott thinks we should keep having kids until I am 40-not sure I am on board with that)
I feel so old! I guess it is mainly because Paige is 13, seems weird to be having babies when I have a teenager. So I say bravo, and it is a fantastic thing to be having them all when you are younger, keep it up!
Did Bob and Megan come out there? I feel very out of the loop. :)
P.S. As far as Reality TV obsessions, the Biggest Loser, Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader, Don't Forget the Lyrics, American Gladiators, Dancing With the Stars, TV's Most Outrageous Moments, Singing Bee, you get the picture, are watched EVERY week in my house. If you've only got two you're still doin' alright. lol
Your lovely pictures melted my heart. Miss you!
I have to chime in with you and Mike on this one. I was thrilled to see you mention Stegner, since I am in the middle of my first of his novels - Angle of Repose. I am absolutely smitten with the way he writes this young marriage, particularly the role of the wife and her thoughts and feelings. Anyway, I'm loving it and I'm talking to everyone I know about it. Glad to see it mentioned here.
Also, happy, happy birthday. You are so wonderful!
Ever want to chat about Stegner, e-mail or call my Dad. He's a big fan!
I love, love, love, the picture of you! Gorgeous!
So i know i tell myself not to stalk people but i was really hoping for a photo with u in it because you have such a gorgeous family, and oh my goodness you're so beautiful! so it's 30 for you this year...it'll be for me next year but i have this really huge phobia towards becoming a mum so trying hard to read womens' blogs to let the whole thing settle in me...maybe should pray about it more...sigh...people tell me i'm getting old and better get a move on or things won't work properly anymore...we've been married for less than a year though...i just don't want everything to move so fast...u lok incredibly young for 30! geez...will go away and leave you alone now...before you ban me for good