do you have those moments (or days) when you feel like you've done some serious reverse-maturing? lately i've been reminding myself of college me: doing anything and everything i can think of besides the one thing i really need to do. honestly, i'm always functioning a little like that, but almost dysfunctionally so in college. and here i am again, finding all kinds of things to do besides actually preparing for the major thing i have coming up: baby. this week's unhealthy procrastination has resulted in several projects, the first two involving some re-making and re-covering. not thrilling, but at least useful.
new stroller seat. the other was hideous but i held out on making a replacement until i had a legitimate reason. when it ripped apart i finally had it. keeping the plastic belt snaps from the other stroller seat, using it as a pattern for the new and using some fabric and ribbon on hand, it was done. i may have to do some major reinforcing; the girls love to sit in it and push each other around (dolls are rarely allowed in). . . i'm pretty sure i've already heard stitches popping.
ironing board cover. why haven't i done this sooner? before the burn and water marks our last cover was fine- just natural canvas- but we have had some terrible covers in the past. always in the worst shades of baby blue. no more. i used the old cover as a template, finished the edges with some double fold bias tape and fed the re-used string (but you could use elastic too) through, put on board, tightened and secured with the holder/clamp. done.
ha! this might be the most boring project report of all time. but it makes me feel like i've been slightly productive, even though i really haven't.
the real excitement begins tomorrow; we've got eve's very first fashion show! i can't wait. she'll be walking in the parson's school of design junior fashion show. the theme (at least for the children's wear class) is "street wear, hong kong 1995" and the outfit that esther (design student) made for her is so so fantastic. i imagine eve will end up covering her eyes (her shy/ i'm overwhelmed reaction) for at least a little bit of the walk but for now is insisting "i'm going to be so brave of the fashion show." on the very same stage used in project runway, we'll see how she handles the big time.
++ and there's some excitement over at brooklyn bean. head over there and get in the mix to win one of alysha's handmade goods. i consider this a real act of selflessness (i really like winning) so take advantage, blog or no.

Reader Comments (5)
If this is you being unproductive I'm in REALLY big trouble. You are my hero. (Selfish note of my own: head over to my blog and vote in my survey so that I can get productive with something.)
I can't believe you made your own ironing board cover. WOW you rock.
wow...and all this time i've been thinking i need a new ironing board when all i really need is an ironing board cover.
and this could have been written by me! sans the child in a fashion show. i'm full of requiring all kinds of useless projects of myself right now. procrastination is the way i live my life!
pam- i know, right? i have thrown out so many ironing boards because the cover was gross or ripped. never again. this was so so easy. if the padding needs replaced too then you can just use batting. there are a couple tutorial links at ikea hacker if you want more detail, although i say skip making a paper pattern for the cover and just cut around the old one. . .
I am so excited for Eve's fashion show, I so wish I could come! Take lots of pictures...
thanks for sending so many people my of them was even the winner.
I saw that chicken wire fabric the other day and thought of you. Both the stroller and board look great!